Has this winter cold got you feeling too tired/ cold/ lazy to workout? You’re not alone. We compiled a few fun and easy ways to stay active and healthy when you just aren’t in the mood to workout
Take your dog for a walk. Your canine will probably love this one as much as you. Choose to go in your neighborhood or to a nice park nearby, Zulu’s (resident Jungly dog) favorite in Delhi is Sunder Nursery. And if you don’t have a dog, go with your friends or by yourself with headphones and a good podcast to listen to. Being outside and walking in nature can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated and is a great way to get your body moving without feeling like you’re over exerting yourself.
- Do a long stretch. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body, and very often, a good stretch can do you wonders. It doesn’t require as much energy as a proper workout does but is imperative for your body to function well. Our favorites are on www.alomoves.com. You can find several on youtube as well, or make your own stretch sequence and go with the flow. You’ll feel really good after.
- Meditate. While this one isn’t going to get you moving physically, it will mentally, and can work wonders for you. You can choose a meditation based on what you need, such as meditation to calm you, or to embrace your day with energy, or to help you fall asleep. It’s important to find the right instructor for you or you might feel a bit lost, particularly if you’re new to meditation. This is normally done through trial and error. Checkout spotify, podcasts and youtube for different meditations online.